June 2024 - Present
MAVROS is a MAVLink extendable communication node for ROS. In other words, it allows users to integrate their ROS based architectures with Ardupilot and/or PX4 autopliot firmwares which support MAVLink communication. By incorperating ROS and multicopter autopilots, users can easily dive into more advanced autonomous navigation systems like motion capture, lidar, obstacle avoidance, visual inertial odometry (VIO), and more.
This can be very useful as it acts as a abstraction layer between your ROS topics and your flight controller. You can simply send ROS topics through MAVROS and let it translate those topics to MAVLink messages which the flight controller can understand.
MAVROSPY serves as an additional layer to the MAVROS node. It allows users to easily manipulate the movement of their multicopter with simple Python methods while still integrating with the ROS framework. As such, it makes it even easier to tackle on your advanced ROS projects.