An additional benifit of using ROS is that it allows users to easily develop simulators such as Gazebo with their robotic projects. This is crucial for rapid development as it allows you to test your scripts without having to risk crashing your physical drone.
Setting up Gazebo ROS on Linux is made easy via Docker.
This tutorial will assume you are running on a Linux OS, but Docker can be used on both Mac and Windows via Docker Desktop.
First, make sure you installed Docker Engine. It is also recommend you follow the Linux Post-Installation Steps as well to manage Docker as a non-root user.
We can verify our Docker installation via:
$ docker run hello-world
NVIDIA GPU Acceleration
We can use Gazebo Classic to simulate our MAVROSPY movment commands. Using an NVIDIA graphics card will improve simulation performance, but is by no means required if you have a modern integrated graphics card.
To use our NVIDIA GPU, verify you have installed its driver:
$ nvidia-smi
If it's not installed, follow your desktops OS driver installation instructions.
To utilize our NVIDIA GPU inside a Docker container, we must install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit.
This is a summary of the official installation instructions.
Configure the production repository:
$ curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg \
&& curl -s -L | \
sed 's#deb https://#deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg] https://#g' | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-container-toolkit.list
Update the packages list from the repository:
$ sudo apt update
Install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit packages:
$ sudo apt install nvidia-container-toolkit
Configure the Docker container runtime by using the nvidia-ctk
$ sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=docker
Restart the Docker daemon:
$ sudo systemctl restart docker
Verify the installation by running a sample CUDA container:
$ sudo docker run --rm --runtime=nvidia --gpus all ubuntu nvidia-smi
Depending on your PC, you may have an internal graphics card. To use your NVIDIA graphics card, enter this command:
$ sudo prime-select nvidia
Then, reboot.
Build Docker Image
We can now build our Docker image via the following commands:
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd ~/mavrospy/docker/sim
$ bash
This script will automatically build the Docker image and open it in a Docker container.
Launch Gazebo Classic Simulator
Inside the docker container, launch a simulation:
$ roslaunch mavrospy gazebo_sim.launch
You can specify the flight pattern via the pattern
argument. If unspecified, it will default to square
$ roslaunch mavrospy gazebo_sim.launch pattern:=spiral
Available Patterns: square
, square_head
, circle
, circle_head
, figure8
, figure8_head
, spiral
, and spiral_head
. Where _head
will specify the drone to face in the direction of motion.
Gazebo will open up and display a quadcopter model.
In the container, wait for the messages to stop updating until you see the following line:
INFO [commander] Ready for takeoff!
Press Enter
to open the PX4 shell. You should see a pxh>
before your cursor.
Enter the following command to change into offboard mode:
pxh> commander mode offboard
Go back to the Gazebo window and watch drone fly!
The ROS program will automatically clean up after the drone lands. Press CTRL+D to exit/close the container.
Visualization with RViz
We can also visualize our simulation poses with RViz.
After launching the Gazebo Classic Simulator, we can launch RViz.
Open a new termial and attach to the MAVROSPY sim container:
$ bash ~/mavrospy/docker/sim/
Launch RViz:
$ roslaunch mavrospy rviz.launch
ROS will automatically begin plotting the drone's path.
CTRL+C to exit.